I am a digital artist, a blogger who tells a story and tries to make things simpler for other people. This is what I’ve been doing from last 10 years.
And I work from home, but the fact is, I can work from anywhere I want as long as I have my Laptop and an Internet connection.
So, often times when I get bored of working from my Home Office, I step out to find quiet places where I can work. In the last six years of staying in Lucknow, I’ve found a bunch of them where I spend my afternoons.
The Relaunch
The reason I am boring you with personal details is that one of such places were recently relaunched with new interiors and the overall theme of the Cafe.
I had visited it just a month ago and it felt like space needs some renovations, which It gladly did.
It has been one of my favourite places to work at, it is not far away from my home.
So when I heard they are relaunching, I decided to attend the event and share my experience with you.
The relaunch happened on 14th September and there was live performance event at 6 PM where some Artists and Bloggers performed. And there was a YouTuber’s meetup as well. So I was there, trying to hit two birds with one stone.
The YouTubers’ Meet
And there was a YouTuber’s Meet as well. So I was there, trying to hit two birds with one stone, and boy it was fun.
It took me 6 years to finally meet some other local creators in person, perhaps I am lazy, perhaps I wasn’t looking at the right place.
Not all but a bunch of them were there, I talked to some of them and found the new Channels to follow for some great local content, you too can know about them in this separate story. Some Young YouTubers from Lucknow you must follow.
The Interior
Talking about the Interiors, it has been nicely done, even though the scope was very little, There is just one wall in the first block of the cafe, which has now some desi themes graffiti on it.
On the right-hand side is the Service area plus the Kitchen, the best feature of this cafe is its Balcony area or the smoking area, which is on the left from the entrance.
Even though I don’t really smoke, I find it good for People Watching, which is quite a weird hobby but an open space is always appreciated.
Turning right-hand side just after entering the cafe is where the Live Performing area is, perhaps it was only for the launch, or maybe there will be some more Live performances on weekends (it is what they told me when I asked them)

Move past it and you get into another area which has one wall with graffiti and second wall is covered with mirror, like it was before, the mirror makes the whole seating area look bigger by adding depth to it.
Unfortunately, I couldn’t try the Items on the Menu apart from 1 slice of Pizza at end of the event when the body asked to feed in something. Will be doing the food review on my future visits, for now, you have Zomato as your friend to know what food you should try.
And yes, the Pizza was good. 🙂
The Performance
The entire event was organized by Arting Out Loud, and it was the first episode of their Live Performance Event, They are a home of Artists and their doors are always open for the local talent.

Hosted by Karan Lakhmani, who also was on the list of Performers for the evening, and he is a YouTuber as well.

The Performance included Live Music (Poorvi Naithani, Vishal Pandey, and Vishal Thakur) , Blogger Talk (Jagruti Singh and Shubhi Garg) & Standup Comedy (Karan Lakhmani) . And the show was already a hit as soon as the first performer started.

I went live on Instagram for a few times and also posted some stories there if you are not following @LucknowTips on Instagram, you are missing Interesting things in Lucknow, shameless plug I know:-).
Even though I’ve been in the same room with some awesome creative people several times in the past but it was for the first time I was in the same room with a bunch of creative people from Lucknow.

Almost everyone was in their 20s and super energetic, so much that I started to feel a bit old, though I’ve always believed the age is just a number I can’t deny I have an old soul.
Talking about the old soul, I would be spending some quiet time in Coffee Culture more often, sipping a Mocha or a Mojito, writing a story on my Laptop, just the way I like it.
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